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217 W 19 Terrace
Kansas City, MO, 64108
United States


One of a kind Sculptural Jewelry - for all of us who are unique and special. Inspired by the Cycle of Life and marine fauna.


Heavy Metals - National Museum of Women in the Arts

Cheryl Eve Acosta

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Earlier this year, I received a letter from the National Museum in Women in the Arts that said I had been selected to represent the NMWA's Greater Kansas City Area Committee in the upcoming exhibition Heavy Metal / Women to Watch 2018 in D.C.!!  The NMWA is the only major museum in the world solely dedicated to championing women through the arts.  This opportunity was made possible by the recent exhibit at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art curated by Barbara O'Brien in collaboration with the NMWA's Kansas City Chapter.  

Opening: Thursday, June 28th: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit: June 28th - Sept 16th, 2018
Link: National Museum of Women in the Arts
Location: 1250 New York Ave NW Washington, D.C. 20005

Article by the The New York Times - Link

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